Big Sky Country
Join conservation organisation Bush Heritage Australia to travel the vast Australian continent: from the flanks of the Mighty Murrumbidgee River in New South Wales where over 40,000 trees have been planted, to the ‘Galapagos of the Kimberley’ where some slimy snails have scientists extremely excited, and across to the ancestral lands of Waanyi and Garawa people where they are keeping culture and biodiversity alive. Meet experts in conservation and Country who are on the ground working to address some of our most pressing environmental threats. Theme music by The Orbweavers. Sign up to our newsletter at www.bushheritage.org.au or follow us on socials @bushheritageaus
Podcasting since 2022 • 14 episodes
Big Sky Country
Latest Episodes
Learning Garawa
It’s a two-day drive from Darwin to Robinson River, on Garawa Country in the NT, just south of the Gulf of Carpentaria. While the road there can be long, the destination is worth it. The annual Waanyi Garawa Biodiversity and Culture Camp brings...
Season 2
Episode 6
The return of the right-way burn
In 2021, Wiradjuri Elder Uncle James Ingram and Bush Heritage’s Aboriginal Partnerships Manager and Yuin Walbunja woman, Vikki Parsley, walked across Tarcutta Hills Reserve in southern NSW in search of cultural artefacts. Immediately, they call...
Season 2
Episode 5
Farmer wants some biodiversity
It might seem strange for an ecologist to spend time on pastoral lands, but that’s exactly what Imogen Semmler does. She ‘meanders’ across paddocks to measure the health of their ecosystems and quantify their biodiverse value. With ...
Season 2
Episode 4
People have the power
What does it take to restore a native woodland? A bucket, hammer, trowel, seedlings and a whole heap of people power. These ingredients are abundant at Scottsdale Reserve on Ngarigo and Ngunnawal Country in New South Wales where for over seven ...
Season 2
Episode 3